LEPRONI, Raffaella
LEPRONI, Raffaella
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione
1922. “The Nymphs are departed”, “just a shade of anxiety”
2020-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
1922: le peregrinazioni di Ulisse nella Terra Desolata
2016-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
A Certain Colouring of Imagination: Turning the Familiar into Ironical
2014-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Chi dice donna dice...
2021-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Competenze (chiave, trasversali, bilancio di, riconoscimento di)
2020-01-01 De Angelis, B.; Leproni, R.
Comunicare in una lingua altra - considerazioni sull'apprendimento delle lingue straniere nella scuola primaria
2006-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
DILECTINGS. DIgital Literature Educational Competencies for Teachers: Intercultural iNclusive Good-practices for Second-language learning
2024-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella; Tosi, Alexandra; Canals-Botines, Mireia; Raluy Alonso, Àngel; Godayol, Pilar; Lepri, Chiara; Agrusti, Francesco; Luppi, Fabio; Crișan, Marius-Mircea; Pârlog, Aba-Carina; Martí, Elisabet; Coromina, Mercè; Ahmad, Bilal; Murray, Úna
Dis(tinctive)-Abilities in English for Educators: a Foreword– fo[u]r word(s) on Special Educational Needs
2020-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Discordia Concors. Ethel Smyth: la donna, la compositrice
2021-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Edgeworth vs Rousseau: dall’ “Emile” alla “Practical Education” per colpa di un cavallo inglese
2013-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Education, Knowledge, Disposition: from The Parent’s Assistant to Harrington
2019-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Empowering future teachers for a sustainable intercultural and inclusive education. Roma Tre University
2023-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella; Sperti, Silvia
Exploring Digital Literature Literacy and Reading through a Gender Lens
2025-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
2015-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
How to teach creativity and didactics to write children’s stories with a pedagogical aim. A case study of an international blended course
2022-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella; Canals Botines, Mireia
How to teach creativity and didactics to write children’s stories with a pedagogical aim. A case study of an international blended course
2021-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella; Canals-Botines, Mireia
Il mestiere di donna tra potere e cultura: l’Europa tra rinascimento e barocco
2003-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Introducing DILECTINGS. Digital Literature and Literature Digital Reading in L2/FL teaching and learning for a sustainable, intercultural, inclusive education
2024-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
2019-01-01 Leproni, Raffaella
Joyce Studies in Italy 22. Joyce's Others / The Others and Joyce
2020-01-01 Pelaschiar, L.; Leproni, R.; Senn, F.; Goodspeed, A.; Rajabi, K.; Wawrycka, J.; Spanghero, S.; Federici, A.; Mccreedy, J.; Fuchs, D.; Girevska, M.; Duric, S.