Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.020
NA - Nord America 6.623
AS - Asia 2.434
AF - Africa 65
OC - Oceania 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
SA - Sud America 6
Totale 16.170
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.570
DK - Danimarca 2.426
GB - Regno Unito 2.235
CN - Cina 1.821
DE - Germania 445
SE - Svezia 433
IT - Italia 392
UA - Ucraina 359
SG - Singapore 234
RU - Federazione Russa 169
FI - Finlandia 151
VN - Vietnam 142
IE - Irlanda 113
AL - Albania 96
IN - India 77
CI - Costa d'Avorio 60
TR - Turchia 51
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 46
CA - Canada 45
KR - Corea 40
BE - Belgio 36
JP - Giappone 30
FR - Francia 28
NL - Olanda 26
RO - Romania 14
AU - Australia 12
LT - Lituania 11
AT - Austria 10
CH - Svizzera 10
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 7
HU - Ungheria 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
IQ - Iraq 4
PE - Perù 4
PL - Polonia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
IL - Israele 3
IR - Iran 3
MY - Malesia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PR - Porto Rico 3
DZ - Algeria 2
EG - Egitto 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
ID - Indonesia 2
MD - Moldavia 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
ES - Italia 1
EU - Europa 1
GR - Grecia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
PH - Filippine 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 16.170
Città #
Southend 2.117
Woodbridge 847
Fairfield 652
Dearborn 558
Ann Arbor 473
Wilmington 472
Chandler 458
Houston 419
Ashburn 395
Nanjing 363
Seattle 278
Jacksonville 274
Boardman 247
Cambridge 217
Princeton 190
Singapore 189
Beijing 176
Rome 167
Dong Ket 141
Shenyang 127
Plano 119
Dublin 113
Nanchang 110
Redwood City 103
Jinan 102
Hebei 90
Shanghai 88
Tianjin 86
Changsha 82
Jiaxing 73
Pune 71
Helsinki 63
Orange 55
Zhengzhou 51
Izmir 50
Brno 43
Eitensheim 41
Hangzhou 41
Guangzhou 39
Kunming 37
Dallas 36
Ningbo 36
Brussels 35
Moscow 33
Seoul 33
Bremen 32
Hefei 30
Tokyo 29
San Diego 27
Milan 24
Munich 23
Taizhou 22
Toronto 22
London 20
Altamura 17
Fuzhou 17
Washington 16
Frankfurt am Main 14
Haikou 14
Lanzhou 14
San Paolo di Civitate 13
Fort Worth 12
Mountain View 12
Taiyuan 12
Chengdu 11
Ottawa 11
Grafing 10
Norwalk 10
Wuhan 9
Flushing 8
Kilburn 8
North York 8
Atlanta 7
New York 7
Catania 6
Irvine 6
Stevenage 6
Sunnyvale 6
Andover 5
Auburn Hills 5
Chiswick 5
Los Angeles 5
Shaoxing 5
Xian 5
Changchun 4
Dongguan 4
Dubai 4
Enschede 4
Kaunas 4
Lawrence 4
Logan 4
Montichiari 4
Napoli 4
Riyadh 4
Vancouver 4
Venezia 4
Walnut 4
Acton 3
Adliswil 3
Arce 3
Totale 10.964
Nome #
A surrogate approach for the global optimization of signal settings and traffic assignment problem 271
Dynamic demand estimation and prediction for traffic urban networks adopting new data sources 256
A Road Network Design Model for Large-Scale Urban Network 247
On the Short-term Prediction of Traffic State: An Application on Urban Freeways in ROME 228
An urban traffic flow model to capture complex flow interactions among lane groups for signalized intersections 228
A bi-level gradient approximation method for dynamic traffic demand estimation: sensitivity analysis and adaptive approach 224
An adaptive bi-level gradient procedure for the estimation of dynamic traffic demand 222
Transit network design for small-medium size cities 211
Transit network design with allocation of green vehicles: A genetic algorithm approach 207
Feeder bus network design problem: a new metaheuristic procedure and real size applications 203
Behavioral models for the estimation of the air transport demand: the case study of Rome-London flight connection 203
A bus network design procedure with elastic demand for large urban areas 203
A gradient approximation approach for adjusting temporal origin-destination matrices 201
A new methodology for the public transport network design 199
The Impact of Route Choice Modeling on Dynamic OD Estimation 199
FCD data for on-street parking search time estimation 198
Exploiting floating car data for time-dependent Origin–Destination matrices estimation 196
A model for the residential location choice in a land use and transport interaction framework 194
Data accuracy on automatic traffic counting: The SMART project results 192
A multimodal transit network design procedure for urban areas 189
A gradient approximation approach for adjusting temporal origin-destination matrices 189
On-Street Parking Search Time Estimation Using FCD Data 188
A two-steps dynamic demand estimation approach sequentially adjusting generations and distributions 187
Effectiveness of link and path information on simultaneous adjustment of dynamic O-D demand matrix 184
"Definizione di una metodologia per lo studio e la verifica dei parcheggi di scambio nella città di Roma". In: I trasporti nella città del XXI secolo. Scenari per l'innovazione 183
Congestion pricing policies: Design and assessment for the city of Rome, Italy 183
A framework for the benchmarking of OD estimation and prediction algorithms 181
Heuristic methods for the optimal location of road traffic monitoring 180
The influence of assignment criteria for the solution of dynamic travel demand estimation 180
Transit network design: a procedure and an application to a large urban area 179
Traffic state estimation based on data fusion techniques 176
Signal control and assignment joint models 175
Network reliability methodology for unusual events 172
A bi-level gradient approximation method for dynamic traffic demand estimation: Sensitivity analysis and adaptive approach 171
Genetic algorithm based approach for the optimal location of traffic counts sections 169
The Smart Project – Speed measurement validation in real traffic condition 168
Combined signal setting design and traffic assignment problem 165
Solution procedures for the global optimization of signal settings and traffic assignment combined problem 165
Two-step approach for the correction of the seed matrix in the dynamic demand estimation 164
New Prospective for Bicycle Modal Share in Italy 164
Dynamic demand estimation: exploring the SPSA AD-PI method 162
Transit network design for small-medium size cities 162
A procedure for the solution of the urban bus network design problem with elastic demand 161
A metaheuristics methodology for feeder bus network design problem 161
A model for the residential location choice in a land use and transport interaction framework 161
Bus Rapid Transit Systems Performance 161
Urban transit service for elderly persons 160
Environment oriented transport policies and transit network design 159
Progetto di rete di trasporto pubblico con l'intorduzione di veicoli a basso impatto ambientale 159
A Utility-based Dynamic Demand Estimation Model that Explicitly Accounts for Activity Scheduling and Duration 159
Advances In Traffic Monitoring Technologies 157
Progetto di rete di trasporto pubblico con l’introduzione di veicoli a basso impatto ambientale 154
Assegnazione in ambito urbano con funzioni di nodo: confronto tra le politiche di controllo 152
Definition and application of procedures to forecast urban travel time 150
Environment oriented transport policies and transit network design 150
A procedure for urban route travel time forecast based on advanced traffic data: Case study of Rome 150
A real-time framework for dynamic estimation of traffic demand from floating car data 150
Analysis of Bus Rapid Transit Systems 149
Reliability of SPSA AD-PI method for dynamic demand estimation: a case of study 144
Evaluation framework for Bus Rapid Transit systems performance 143
Environment oriented transport policies and network design 142
Strategies for signal settings and dynamic traffic modelling 142
Heuristic methods for the optimal location of road traffic monitoring stations 142
Transit network design in large urban areas 140
Bus network design: procedure and application in large urban areas 140
Towards a generic benchmarking platform for OD flows estimation/updating algorithms: design, demonstration and validation 137
Dynamic O-D demand estimation: Application of SPSA AD-PI method in conjunction with different assignment strategies 137
Optimal Location of Traffic Count Sections 137
Il piano della sosta e l'accessibilità: il caso di Roma Tre 136
Bus rapid transit systems performance 136
New Prospective for Bicycle Modal Share in Italy 135
Use of gps data for the analysis of vehicular interaction models 135
Transit network design in large urban areas 134
Il problema combinato dell’assegnazione del traffico e del controllo semaforico 133
Bus network design: procedure and application in large urban areas 133
Improving The Reliability Of A Two-Step Dynamic Demand Estimation Approach By Sequentially Adjusting Generations And Distributions 131
Feeder bus network design problem: a new solving procedure and real size applications 131
Validation of Traffic Monitoring Devices for ITS Applications on the Italian Road Network 130
Definizione di una metodologia per lo studio e la verifica dei parcheggi di scambio nella città di Roma 130
Network reliability methodology for unusual events 130
Progetto di rete di trasporto pubblico con l'introduzione di veicoli a basso impatto ambientale 128
Evaluation framework for bus rapid transit systems performance 128
La regolazione dei nodi nell’assegnazione dei flussi nell’ambito dei PUT 127
New Prospective for Bicycle Modal Share in Italy 124
Signal settings synchronization and dynamic traffic modelling 121
Progetto di rete di trasporto pubblico con l'introduzione di veicoli a basso impatto ambientale 121
Environment oriented transport policies and transit network design 119
Environment oriented transport policies and network design 119
Investigating the Efficiency of a Gradient Approximation Approach for Solution of Dynamic Demand Estimation Problem 118
A utility-based dynamic demand estimation model that explicitly accounts for activity scheduling and duration 116
Global Optimization of Signal Settings Subject to either System Optimal or User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment 116
Improving the assessment of transport external costs using FCD data 115
The Car Following Model with Relative Speed in Front on the Three-Lane Road 115
Validation of macro traffic relationship combining micro and macro data: experimental analysis 113
Il piano della sosta e l’accessibilità: il caso di Roma Tre 112
The global optimization of signal settings and traffic assignment combined problem: A comparison between algorithms 111
null 97
Traffic state conditions forecast through different Kalman Filter approaches 91
Dynamic travel demand estimation and prediction methods 88
Totale 15.920
Categoria #
all - tutte 46.359
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 46.359

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.556 0 0 0 0 0 0 490 330 410 166 115 45
2020/20211.576 98 71 85 85 141 132 277 221 55 159 49 203
2021/20221.134 62 109 24 20 230 28 150 44 94 29 58 286
2022/20231.497 204 287 87 145 131 295 5 118 151 6 36 32
2023/2024945 41 46 45 50 78 182 81 156 10 61 55 140
2024/2025777 48 187 298 17 28 186 13 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.830