Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.559
EU - Europa 8.530
AS - Asia 3.168
AF - Africa 97
OC - Oceania 12
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 20.375
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.543
DK - Danimarca 2.939
CN - Cina 2.721
GB - Regno Unito 2.619
IT - Italia 539
SE - Svezia 512
DE - Germania 501
UA - Ucraina 494
RU - Federazione Russa 262
FI - Finlandia 201
SG - Singapore 189
IE - Irlanda 154
AL - Albania 138
VN - Vietnam 130
CI - Costa d'Avorio 95
TR - Turchia 64
FR - Francia 61
NL - Olanda 32
BE - Belgio 20
IR - Iran 20
JP - Giappone 15
CA - Canada 14
CH - Svizzera 14
IN - India 12
AU - Australia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 10
AT - Austria 8
HU - Ungheria 8
BR - Brasile 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
TW - Taiwan 4
ES - Italia 3
EU - Europa 3
RO - Romania 3
CL - Cile 2
EE - Estonia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
LT - Lituania 2
MY - Malesia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AM - Armenia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MX - Messico 1
RS - Serbia 1
SM - San Marino 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 20.375
Città #
Southend 2.475
Woodbridge 1.141
Fairfield 1.031
Wilmington 694
Ann Arbor 592
Ashburn 585
Houston 577
Dearborn 516
Nanjing 504
Seattle 440
Chandler 401
Jacksonville 377
Cambridge 346
Boardman 339
Beijing 267
Princeton 257
Shenyang 228
Rome 211
Jinan 191
Nanchang 182
Plano 158
Dublin 145
Changsha 133
Dong Ket 130
Singapore 129
Hebei 127
Redwood City 123
Tianjin 115
Jiaxing 92
Hangzhou 72
Zhengzhou 71
Kunming 66
Helsinki 64
Izmir 62
Ningbo 57
Guangzhou 51
San Diego 47
Orange 44
Shanghai 44
Taizhou 43
Haikou 41
Hefei 41
Moscow 41
Milan 34
Taiyuan 32
Lanzhou 29
Venezia 28
Westminster 28
Alameda 21
London 21
San Paolo di Civitate 20
Altamura 19
Fuzhou 19
Brussels 18
Lawrence 17
New York 16
Washington 16
Dallas 14
Flushing 14
Mountain View 14
Verona 14
Bari 13
Norwalk 13
Wuhan 13
Hamedan 10
Brno 9
Hounslow 9
Sunnyvale 9
Changchun 8
Cork 8
Indiana 8
Pune 8
Chengdu 7
Chiswick 7
Eitensheim 7
Munich 7
Penne 7
Santa Clara 7
Simi Valley 7
Stevenage 7
Fort Worth 6
Naples 6
Auburn Hills 5
Catania 5
Falls Church 5
Los Angeles 5
Monterotondo 5
Novosibirsk 5
Quzhou 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Wenzhou 5
Yellow Springs 5
Baotou 4
Centrale 4
Delhi 4
Düsseldorf 4
Hanover 4
Loughborough 4
North York 4
Ottawa 4
Totale 13.882
Nome #
Hydro-acoustic and tsunami waves generated by the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake: Modeling and in situ measurements 247
Analysis of the nonlinear storage–discharge relation for hillslopes through 2D numerical modelling 222
The use of wave forecasts for maritime activities safety assessment 213
Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects 211
Tsunami early warning system based on real-time measurements of hydro-acoustic waves 210
Simulation of small-amplitude frequency-dispersive transient waves by means of the mild-slope equation 205
Application of wavelet transform analysis to landslide generated waves 204
Flap gate farm: From Venice lagoon defense to resonating wave energy production. Part 2: Synchronous response to incident waves in open sea 201
Wavenumber–frequency analysis of the landslide-generated tsunamis at a conical island 194
3D numerical modeling of landslide-generated tsunamis around a conical island 193
An improved analytical model for estimating water level set-up and currents induced by waves over submerged low crested coastal defence structures 191
Tsunamis generated by landslides at the coast of conical islands: experimental benchmark dataset for mathematical model validation 190
Laboratory generation of solitary waves: An inversion technique to improve available methods 189
A Boussinesq modelling of breaking waves: description of turbulence 188
Depth-integrated equation for hydro-acoustic waves with bottom damping 186
Feasibility of Tsunami Early Warning Systems for small volcanic islands 185
Met-ocean and heeling analysis during the violent 21/22 october 2014 storm faced by the sailboat ECO40 in the gulf of lion: Comparison between measured and numerical wind data 185
Boundary conditions for modeling scattered wave field around floating bodies in elliptic wave models 185
Internal generation of waves in 2D fully-elliptic mild-slope equation FEM models 184
On using boussinesq-type equations near the shoreline: a note of caution 182
Landslide generated tsunamis runup at the coast of a conical island: New physical model experiments 179
Large-scale numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic earthquakes 179
Inclusion of landslide tsunamis generation into a depth integrated wave model 177
Modal analysis of semi-enclosed basins 177
Treatment of wave-breaking and total absorption in a mild-slope equation FEM model 177
Modeling tsunamis generated by submerged landslides using depth integrated equations 177
Real-time inversion of tsunamis generated by landslides 176
Tsunamis generated by landslide along the coast of a conical island: new three-dimensional experiments 176
Swash zone boundary conditions for long wave models 175
Uncertainties in the physical modelling of the wave overtopping over a rubble mound breakwater: The role of the seeding number and of the test duration 174
Depth-integrated equation for large scale modelling of low-frequency hydroacoustic waves 173
A comparison of two different types of shoreline boundary conditions 171
Prototype measurements and small-scale model tests of wave overtopping at shallow rubble-mound breakwaters: the Ostia-Rome yacht harbour case 171
Numerical modeling of low frequency hydro-acoustic waves generated by submarine tsunamigenic earthquake 169
Integral flow properties of the swash zone and averaging. Part 2. Shoreline boundary conditions for wave-averaged models 169
On swash zone boundary conditions for wave-averaged models 168
Three-dimensional experiments on landslide generated waves at a sloping coast 167
Formation of Hydro-acoustic Waves in Weakly Compressible Fluid Interacting with Viscous Weakly Compressible Seabed 166
Measurement of long waves at the harbor of Marina di Carrara, Italy 165
Full-scale measurement of wave overtopping at Ostia-Rome yacht harbour breakwater 164
Wave-power absorption from a finite array of Oscillating Wave Surge converters 163
Field measurements of wave overtopping at the rubble mound breakwater of Rome-Ostia yacht harbour 163
Design of an artificial surf reef at s. marinella, Rome (italy) 163
Performance evaluation of a point absorber wave energy converter 163
On the shoreline boundary conditions for Boussinesq-type models 162
Development of a high-resolution nearshore wave forecasting/hindcasting system for the Italian coasts 162
Generation and Propagation of Frequency-Dispersive Tsunamis 162
A three dimensional numerical model for complex interaction between water waves and coastal structures 161
Boussinesq modeling of breaking waves: Description of turbulence 160
Eof analysis of complex response of Venice mobile gates 160
Laboratory generation of solitary waves: an inversion technique to improve available methods 158
Tsunami and shelf resonance on the northern Chile coast 158
Implementation and validation of a coastal forecasting system for wind waves in the Mediterranean Sea 158
3D physical modeling of tsunamis generated by submerged landslides at a conical island: The role of initial acceleration 157
A numerical study on rip currents forced by time-varying wave conditions 156
Fenomeni transitori connessi alla risonanza portuale 155
Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling of tsunamis. Large scale application to the south tyrrhenian sea 154
Transient response of harbours to long waves under resonance conditions 154
Analysis of the 21/22 October 2014 storm experienced by the sailboat ECO40 in the Gulf of Lion 153
Tsunami waves generated by landslides along a straight sloping coast: New three-dimensional experiments 152
Hazards to people and property from wave overtopping at coastal structures 151
L’e-learning nell’insegnamento universitario tradizionale 151
Numerical modelling of long waves amplification at Marina di Carrara Harbour 151
Boosting blue growth in a mild sea: Analysis of the synergies produced by a multi-purpose offshore installation in the Northern Adriatic, Italy 150
Closure to "Treatment of wave breaking and total absorption in a mild-slope equation FEM model" by Gian Mario Beltrami, Giorgio Bellotti, Paolo De Girolamo, and Paolo Sammarco 149
Full frequency dispersive numerical modelling of tsunamis. Large scale application to the South Tyrrhenian sea 149
A simplified model of rip currents systems around discontinuous submerged breakwaters 148
2D-H modeling of tunamis generated by landslides 148
Hydro-acoustic Wave Generation During the Tohoku-oki 2011 Earthquake 146
Experimental validation and characterization of mean swash zone boundary conditions 146
A simplified model for estimating rip currents flow parameters: application to a study case 145
Numerical simulation of three dimensional tsunamis water waves generated by landslides: Comparison between physical model results, VOF and SPH 145
Identification of post-transcriptional regulatory networks during myeloblast-to-monocyte differentiation transition 142
On the Resonant Behavior of a Weakly Compressible Water Layer During Tsunamigenic Earthquakes 141
Analisi della burrasca del 21/22 ottobre 2014 incontrata dall’imbarcazione a vela ECO 40 nel Golfo del Leone 139
SPH modelling of non linear shallow water equations 139
Boussinesq modelling of water waves generated by subaerial landslides 139
3D numerical investigation on landslide generated tsunamis around a conical island 138
The combined role of bay and shelf modes in tsunamis amplification along the coast 137
The swash zone as a boundary layer 136
Un modello agli elementi finiti per la risoluzione della ‘mild slope equation’ con l’inclusione di un termine dissipativo 134
Wavenumber-frequency analysis of landslide-generated tsunamis at a conical island. Part II: EOF and modal analysis 134
On the hydrodynamics of breaking waves 129
Hydraulic and numerical modeling of the performance of PI-type Floating Breakwaters 129
Condizioni idrodinamiche lungo le coste abruzzesi protette da barriere a debole sommergenza per la difesa del litorale 128
Misura in prototipo della tracimazione ondosa sulla diga a scogliera del porto turistico di Roma a Ostia 128
Ottimizzazione della disposizione planimetrica delle dighe frangiflutti portuali per contenere i problemi di sedimentazione 127
Una tecnica di inversione per il miglioramento della generazione di onde solitarie in laboratorio 127
Misure di prototipo per lo studio della risonanza del porto di Marina di Carrara 126
Analytical and numerical investigation on landslide tsunamis propagating along a plane beach 125
Il progetto SMO: Submarine Multidisciplinary Observatory 125
Modal analysis of semi-enclosed coastal basins: natural modes and their influence in the response to transient long waves 125
Some swash zone boundary conditions for wave-averaged models 124
The Italian activities on tsunami risk mitigation-The operating landslide tsunami early warning system of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands-Italy) 124
Hydroacoustic waves measured during the 2012 Negros-Cebu earthquake 124
Studio della penetrazione del moto ondoso nei porti mediante l’ applicazione di un modello di boussinesq 124
Field measurement of harbour resonance at Marina di Carrara 124
Sull'incertezza della modellazione sperimentale della tracimazione ondosa sulle opere marittime di difesa 123
Physical and numerical tests on the stability of concrete block to protection of the mound berm at caisson toe 123
Wave overtopping at Ostia yacht harbour breakwater, comparison between prototype and model tests in 2D and 3D 122
Totale 16.004
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.931
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.931

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.729 0 0 0 0 0 509 664 521 672 142 163 58
2020/20212.435 156 78 137 70 241 127 398 546 207 205 72 198
2021/20221.399 61 202 38 23 318 59 196 52 143 45 72 190
2022/20231.552 266 286 97 94 125 347 9 102 143 14 55 14
2023/2024906 36 66 80 42 95 149 58 185 7 26 21 141
2024/2025725 28 104 383 73 24 113 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.968